by Encapsulate | Mar 15, 2023 | Encapsulate Updates
At #DHCT Demo Day 2020, Encapsulate presented its progress and new products. Congratulations to all the teams, mentors, and members of the Digital Health CT accelerator! We look forward to continuing and strengthening our partnerships with Hartford HealthCare,...
by Encapsulate | Mar 15, 2023 | Encapsulate Updates
Digital Health CT, a new MedTech program that invites healthcare-focused startups to downtown Hartford for a three-month growth program, has included in its first round of awards a company developing a tumor-on-a-chip system that grows patients’ cancer cells outside...
by Encapsulate | Mar 15, 2023 | Awards, Encapsulate Updates
BOSTON, MAY 15, 2019 - MassChallenge, a global network of zero-equity startup accelerators, today announced the early-stage startups that have been accepted into the 2019 MassChallenge Boston program. Rigorously selected by a community of close to 200 expert judges,...