Precision Diagnostics for Personalized Cancer Therapy
Encapsulate develops automated tumor-on-a-chip systems that envisage the clinical response of cancer patients.
We screen microtumors derived from patient biopsies against clinical treatment regimens and generate personalized insights on the patient's response profile in under 7 days.
Services for
Our platform I) reduces the number of unnecessary chemotherapy cycles a patient undergoes, II) lowers the costs and duration of treatment, III) increases the success rates of treatment, IV) improves the patient’s overall quality of life.
Pharmaceutical Companies
Tested 50+ cancer drugs, we can customize assays, & resolve solubility, targeting, and stability issues. Using our comprehensive patient biobank, pharmaceutical companies can run pre-clinical trials, patient stratification, and deep mechanism studies.
Our biobank consists of hundreds of patients with known genetic mutations, clinical and lab-based response profiles. Our automation systems enable users to increase the precision and volume of their tests. Try our tools to enhance your cancer researches.